A música como recurso de ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa nos livros didáticos
In recent decades, much has been discussed about the different ways of teaching and learning foreign languages. In contrast to the structuralist tradition in language teaching, centered on knowledge of norms, in recent years the focus has been on communication. This new perspective prioritizes meaningful learning, considering both form and meaning in the production of utterances. It is about teaching the structure of the language in a dynamic and contextualized way, with primacy through the use of authentic materials, such as music. Songs are an effective resource of accessing linguistic content in a playful, stimulating and contextualized way. In addition to providing a relaxed atmosphere, they are real language samples that can be used to develop grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and linguistic variation, for example. This exploratory study aims to contribute to the literature on the subject, investigating how lyrics are approached in textbooks, since they are elementary teaching materials.
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