Textos multimodais do universo infantil: uma análise pelas lentes da GDV



Representations of the world, such as ideological beliefs and hegemonies of body aesthetics, are present in several everyday images, naturalizing particular discourses as universal (RESENDE; RAMALHO, 2006). In this context, this work aims to discuss multimodality in texts of the children's universe, highlighting some semiotic choices that contribute to those representations and interactional relationships, instigating a reflection on how children are represented in society. It seeks, specifically, to present the social context in which the texts are inserted; to analyze in a descriptive and explanatory way the representational and interactive meanings based on semiotic elements organized in the texts; and to interpret implicit speeches towards such representations. This research is supported by the concepts of multimodality (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2001; NASCIMENTO, BEZERRA; HEBERLE, 2011; SILVA; ALMEIDA, 2018) and the Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006[1996]) as a theoretical-methodological tool. It is a qualitative-interpretative research characterized by describing, analyzing and interpreting data. The corpus is composed of three texts, a party theme of a children's birthday and two toys. The results suggest hegemonic representations of princesses, women, families and encouragement of consumption.


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How to Cite

Ponciano Fernandes, C. R., Rolim, J. dos S., & Santos Júnior, M. da S. dos. (2022). Textos multimodais do universo infantil: uma análise pelas lentes da GDV. Porto Das Letras, 8(4), 92–118. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/12518