Escrevivência; expansion; human and social sciences.Abstract
The term escrevivência appears between the years 1994 and 1995, with an Afro-Brazilian writer as a precursor. In the field of literature, the space that is initially represented as the background for the emergence of the respective notion, it emerged with the main objective of erasing the role attributed to black women in the course of slavery in Brazil, as well as to subvert the system that hinders and invisibilizes literary productions by women belonging to the popular classes. However, the term has gradually expanded after its mediatization, becoming the object of research by scholars from different fields of knowledge. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze how this concept has expanded in the human and social sciences. To this end, by means of a bibliographical research, eight (8) works published between 2002 and 2019 were analyzed, in order to identify the ramifications of the original expression. Thus, the theoretical framework was built from the foundations of Oliveira (2018); Silva (2002); Soares (2017); Almeida (2018), Busko (2019), among others. In light of this, it was concluded that although this concept was spread (in) consciously by the author between 1994 to 1995 to name the writing craft of black women, in contemporary studies this expression has been broadening in a comprehensive manner, subsidizing, therefore, new research, especially in the field of humanities and social sciences, which, in turn, recognizes it as a space promoting political, ethnic, and gender discussions.
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