

Lyrical Style; Emil Staiger; Basic Concepts of Poetics (1997)


In this study, we comment on the text “Lyrical Style: The Remembrance”, first section of the essay Basic Concepts of Poetics (1997), by the Swiss Emil Staiger. The relevance of this commentary is established in three aspects: The importance of this work by Staiger for studies on poetic styles and, particularly, on the lyrical; the inherent difficulty of “Lyrical Style” and the scarce expository approach regarding it in Portuguese. For this reason, the present approach was made aiming to present, as a paraphrase and in a didactic way, the theory defended by the scholar, as well as the argumentation that He uses to support it. We look at the eight subsections in which Staiger divides the main points of his theory, trying to clarify his language as much as possible and interfere as little as possible in the way he deals with matter. We add specific summaries to the end of the comment for each of the mentioned subsections. Our approach resulted in a kind of intralinguistic translation of the Brazilian version of Staiger's text, facilitating not only the understanding of key points for it (such as the relationships that the lyrical establishes with the epic style and the dramatic style) but also concepts like “one-in-the-other”, “soulful disposition”, “oneness” and lyrical “remembrance”.

Author Biography

Antônio Egno Carmo Gomes, UFT- Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Antônio Egno do Carmo Gomes é doutor em Letras e Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Goiás e professor de Teoria Literária na Universidade Federal do Tocantins - Campus de Porto Nacional.


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How to Cite

Carmo Gomes, A. E. (2022). A TEORIA DO LÍRICO EM “ESTILO LÍRICO: A RECORDAÇÃO”, DE EMIL STAIGER. Porto Das Letras, 8(Especial), 149–165. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/11632