O vírus nos ronda: metáforas sobre vírus e sobre corrupção


  • Heronides Moura UFSC
  • Fábio Lopes da Silva


Metáfora; Corrupção; Vírus; Aspecto verbal; Política da eternidade.


In this article, we analyze the metaphors used to depict viruses and corruption. We argue that these metaphors are rooted in a perception of time as unbounded. Metaphorically, both the events of the spread of the virus and the spread of corruption are taken as incremental, iterative and atelic. This representation of time is expressed by propagation in space, in the case of metaphors for viruses, and directly by the imperfective verbal aspect, in the case of metaphors for corruption. We refer to the concept of politics of eternity (SNYDER, 2018) to explain the role of the perception of time in the way of apprehending social events. The unfolding of social facts is circumscribed by a view that is focused on the stages of the event but is unable to consider the whole situation in its temporal and spatial boundaries.


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How to Cite

Moura, H., & Lopes da Silva, F. . (2021). O vírus nos ronda: metáforas sobre vírus e sobre corrupção. Porto Das Letras, 7(2), 64–82. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/11061



Discurso, doença, risco