Boto; Flor; Vadinho; Intertextualidade; ManipulaçãoAbstract
This work aims to confront the Amazonian legend of Boto and the literary work Dona Flor e seus dois maridos by Jorge Amado - especially with regard to the character “Flor”. In view of this cut, the texts will analyze the characters, the languages used (oral, written and corporal) and the contexts, all seen from the perspective of Comparative Literature, which will use other areas of knowledge as a methodological foundation in order to deepen and elucidate obscure points in this dialogism. In addition, using intertextuality - therefore, interdiscursivity - problems explored by a patriarchal society were explored and then the reason for this naturalness / irresponsibility in the social sphere was criticized; there are differences and similarities found in the two speeches that, although developed and separated by years not yet dated, have too many details in common. Thus, the debate raised here demonstrates its relevance by enriching the analytical perception of the reader, leading him to observe the objects of study with an interdisciplinary, that is, diversified, aiming to bring up the historical influences incorporated, disseminated and practiced by the subjects in their daily lives. In summary, with the comparativism, psychosocial consequences will be revealed that the different roles assumed by these actors / agents will have in the family environment of children and young people of later generations - impacts found now in the legend, now in the literature. For this purpose, the theories of Carvalhal (2006), Masina & Cardoni (2002), Brandão (2004), Batista (2018), Orlandi (2010), Bakhtin (1997), Beauvoir (1970), Reboul (2004), Rousseau (2016), Fairclough (2016), Marx and Engels (2010), Lessa (2011), Althusser (1985) and Moisés (2002).
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