Da intergenericidade e os gêneros textuais

uma análise de imagens que circulam na internet


  • Joelma de Araújo Silva Resende Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí
  • José Marinho dos Santos Júnior
  • Maria Helena de Oliveira


Gêneros; Intergenericidade; Anúncios.


This study aimed to analyze textual genres that circulate on the internet addressing the intergenericity present in these genres. Before this analysis there was a theoretical discussion about textual genres based on authors such as Bakhtin (2011), Bazerman (2011), Dell'isola, (2007), Dornellas (2016), Lima-Neto & Araújo (2012), Marcuschi (2008), among others. For the corpus of analysis we used five (05) images composed of genres that circulate on the internet, in the form of traffic signs, playroom poster, word search, sports list and tax coupon, with the function of advertisements for motels, short stories and campaign against alcohol consumption in the management. The approach used to understand and analyze the data was qualitative. It was observed that the present interaction between textual genres causes a new genre to emerge through the existing relationship between them, in which form and function can be relatedsatisfactorily, one complementing the other and assisting in the interpretation. A wide variety of texts can be observed in today's society, each with its different functions and structures, since textual genre has a specific objective, and its language can vary, but a fundamental objective observed in all genres is the search for communication , by forwarding the message to which it was assigned; it was noticed that there is a noticeable relationship between the most varied textual genres, through which they mix with each other, assuming the function of the other, configuring the phenomenon of intergenericity .



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How to Cite

de Araújo Silva Resende, J., Marinho dos Santos Júnior, J. ., & de Oliveira, M. H. . (2021). Da intergenericidade e os gêneros textuais: uma análise de imagens que circulam na internet. Porto Das Letras, 7(1), 164–182. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/10391