Espaço pós-colonial (d)e resistência em No Pântano dos Gatos..., de Marina Carr


  • Caio Antônio Nóbrega UFPB/PPGL
  • Jenison Alisson dos Santos UEPB


Irish literature, space, post-colonialism, resistance, Marina Carr


In this paper, we aim at analyzing the spatial representation of the bog in the play By the Bog of Cats…, written by Irish author Marina Carr. We argue that the bog functions as a post-colonial locus of resistance to Hester Swane, the play’s protagonist, in the sense that, through this character’s affective connection with the space, she refuses to accept the exile which her rural community tries to impose upon her. To do so, we present the strong ties between the Irish literary tradition and the bogs, a tradition with which Carr’s dramatic text affiliates; we also discuss how the space of the bog, given its mysterious, hybrid and mutant aspect, may work as a counterpoint to colonialist and imperialist discourses, as a place where critical, questioning and decolonizing voices may be represented and flourish. In our discussion, we draw from critical texts written by Azevedo (2018), Gladwin (2014, 2016) and Kader (2005), and, regarding the post-colonial space, we are based mainly on works by Said (1994), Soja (1996, 2011) and Upstone (2009).

Author Biographies

Caio Antônio Nóbrega, UFPB/PPGL

Doutorando em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Bolsista do CNPq.

Jenison Alisson dos Santos, UEPB

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Professor substituto do curso de Letras-Inglês da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.


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How to Cite

Nóbrega, C. A., & dos Santos, J. A. (2020). Espaço pós-colonial (d)e resistência em No Pântano dos Gatos., de Marina Carr. Porto Das Letras, 6(4), 33–49. Retrieved from



Literaturas em Língua Inglesa: diversidades essenciais