O trabalho com a competência linguística nas aulas de leitura numa turma de 9º ano do ensino fundamental


  • Maria de Lurdes Nazário UEG, Departamento de Letras
  • Eliza Alves Landin UEG


Ensino de Leitura; Competência Linguística; Ensino Fundamental.


We aim to develop a reflective teaching practice on the functionality of linguistic elements in the construction of textual meanings, contributing to the expansion of the reading ability of students in a 9th grade class of elementary school. We are based on the official guidelines for the teaching of Portuguese and on studies that conceive of reading as an intersubjective, collaborative activity that requires different knowledge and procedures from the reader to carry out a reading. We developed a participatory and collaborative research, teaching classes, with reading circle and subsequent applications of activities on the linguistic options of the authors of the texts and their communicative intention. With the development of a reflective approach to some uses of the language of the texts read, in which the student was called for discussion, to debate with other colleagues in search of reading of the readings, the students developed a critical reading of the function of the linguistic choices of the authors in the construction of the global meaning of the texts. They problematized communicative intentions and effects of the meaning of these choices, expanding their reading capacity.


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How to Cite

Nazário, M. de L., & Alves Landin , E. . (2021). O trabalho com a competência linguística nas aulas de leitura numa turma de 9º ano do ensino fundamental. Porto Das Letras, 7(1), 358–382. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/10039