God, i.e., Matter. Catherine Malabou’s Materialist Revolution

La révolution matérialiste de Catherine Malabou


  • Patrick Llored




Re-materialization, Malabou, Derrida, Hegel, Plasticity, Epigenetics


This brief article aims to bring to light the reason for the re-materialization of a thought, especially that of Catherine Malabou. This process has as its main consequence a unthought conjunction that merges philosophy and biology, giving rise to what author calls “biological philosophy”. But that’s not all. Re-materializing also means reinterpreting, recovering, healing what philosophy has not been able to be thought and thus even a new form of theology emerges: a materialistic theology.


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How to Cite

Llored, P. (2024). God, i.e., Matter. Catherine Malabou’s Materialist Revolution: La révolution matérialiste de Catherine Malabou. Perspectivas, 9(1), 296–306. https://doi.org/10.20873/rpv9n1-14



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou