O capítulo de Malabou na história da ultrametafísica





Malabou, Ultrametaphysics, Presence, Plasticity, Epigenesis, Transcendental


The text situates Malabou’s work in a history of what she calls ‘ultrametaphysics’. She presents it as being both genuinely historical and to a great extent inserted in the Western philosophical tradition. This history is presented from a thread, not necessarily the only one possible, that begins with Heidegger, passes through Levinas, Derrida and Ludueña. Malabou's ultrametaphysical position is then presented in comparison with these previous formulations, which makes it possible to elaborate, in this perspective, some of her concepts such as plasticity, transformation and epigenesis as well as consider their relationship with both speculative realism and with the reception of the Kantian notion of transcendental .


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How to Cite

Bensusan, H. (2024). O capítulo de Malabou na história da ultrametafísica. Perspectivas, 9(1), 79–107. https://doi.org/10.20873-rpvn9v1-04



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou