O Fantasma de Hegel

plasticidade e auto-diferenciação segundo Malabou





Hegel, Plasticidade, Auto-diferenciação, Subjetividade, Conceito


The aim of this article is to investigate Catherine Malabou's reading of Hegel. Subverting the anti-Hegelian trend that flourished in the academic milieu in France, especially through the '68 movement, Malabou seeks to identify how Hegel's philosophy is grounded on a self-differentiation process, whether concerning the idea of subjectivity or the speculative concept. This re-reading would therefore present a rearrangement of Hegelianism, often considered as a totalizing and teleological thought, but above all as opposed to the conception of difference.


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How to Cite

Kussumi, M. (2024). O Fantasma de Hegel: plasticidade e auto-diferenciação segundo Malabou. Perspectivas, 9(1), 163–183. https://doi.org/10.20873-rpvn9v1-08



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou