Notes on the social role of the philosophy teacher




Social function, Philosopher, Philosophy teacher


Starting with the treatment of the question about the social function of the philosopher, theoretical contributions are constructed to direct some notes to a similar theme: the social function of the philosophy teacher. Four social functions will be proposed for the philosopher as contributions to the discussion regarding the social role of the philosophy teacher. It is to arrive at these contributions that the investigation is divided into two moments. In the first moment of the paper, the social function of the philosopher is discussed with the support of the reflections of Franklin Leopoldo e Silva. Four social functions of the philosopher will be extracted. In the second part of the paper, the relationship between philosophy and education is discussed. The four social functions of the philosopher will be applied in the context of the philosophy teacher's activity. The paper ends with Final Considerations


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How to Cite

Benevides Soares, D. (2024). Notes on the social role of the philosophy teacher. Perspectivas, 8(3), 89–105.