As relações entre as viagens de descobrimento e o processo de construção científico moderno
voyages of discovery, Portuguese navigations, modern scientific thought, direct experience, constitution of the worldAbstract
This article intends to identify the possible contributions of the voyages of discovery, focusing on the Portuguese navigations, to the construction of modern scientific thought. On the one hand, the relevance of direct experience valued by the Portuguese as a criterion of certainty about the claims about the geographic world that ended up calling into question the conception of the world spread from the ancient classics - the Greeks - and, on the other hand, a conception of modern science is presented that includes the contributions of so-called practical men, such as navigators, whose maritime activity promotes a debate, in the field of geography and cartography, about the very constitution of the world, without, however, definitively breaking with tradition cosmological. Our analysis is carried out through a critical discussion with the existing historiography.
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