A ambígua visão do mundo de Galileu
This work aims to achieve two objectives: the first is to report to the Brasilian culture a recent historiographical contribution on the “ambiguous vision” of matter in Galileo; the second is to develop some philosophical reflections from the suggestions present in the imaginary of the great Italian scientist. On the one hand we will breach the conventional interpretation of the Galileo mechanism; on the other hand, we will propose a hermeneutic operation to update the speculative imagination of a father of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century by comparing it with Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of organism - who proposed his doctrine as alternative to materialistic mechanism -, and the “eurhythmics physics” or “physic of becoming”, defended by José N. R. Croca and his research group. In fact Galileo, in his reform of the scholastic image of the world, faced the paradox of reconciliation mathematical continue with physical atomism, sketching an unusual “emergentist solution”. Uncover the metaphysical horizon of Galileo's thought provide us an new historical and philosophical access to the most controversial issues of modern philosophy of science and quantum mechanics.
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PERSPECTIVAS | VOL. 8, Nº 1, 2023, P. 19-42
A ambígua visão do mundo de Galileu
DOI: 10.20873/rpv8n1-59
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PERSPECTIVAS | VOL. 8, Nº 1, 2023, P. 19-42
A ambígua visão do mundo de Galileu
DOI: 10.20873/rpv8n1-59
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