O distanciamento entre filosofia e política, e o sentido da política em Hannah Arendt


  • Tamíris Moreira Simão Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




Hannah Arendt identifies in Plato's thought what she calls the "Tyranny of Truth" while showing us how this "tyranny" is based on a split between philosophy and politics. This split causes a progressive degradation of politics that ceases to be the space for the exercise of freedom itself to be what guarantees the existence of individual freedoms and preserves the reproduction of life. Furthermore, by being separated from freedom, thought, and dialogue, the political sphere becomes coercive. Degraded politics, therefore, has lost its meaning; that is, it does not provide a public space for discussion and sharing of a world in common. The maximum of degradation happens when the question "What is the meaning of politics?" is superseded by "Does politics have any meaning?" In our article, we show Arendt's argumentative path, which begins with the examination of the "tyranny of truth" and the split between philosophy and politics to the consequent loss of the very meaning of politics



How to Cite

Moreira Simão, T. (2021). O distanciamento entre filosofia e política, e o sentido da política em Hannah Arendt. Perspectivas, 6(2), 319–334. https://doi.org/10.20873/rpv6n2-17



Dossiê Hannah Arendt: "Pensar o que estamos fazendo"