Digital Interactivity, Brand Management And Reputation Construction


  • Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro Universidade Feevale
  • Adriana Stürmer Universidade Feevale
  • Débora Wissmann Universidade Feevale
  • Heitor Moschen Pedroso Universidade Feevale



Gestão de marca, Interatividade digital, Hotel Alpestre, TripAdvisor


The article focuses on digital interactivity and brand management. Its objective is to analyze the digital interactions of Hotel Alpestre, located in Gramado, RS, with its clients, through TripAdvisor, as part of a process of brand management and reputation building. The study uses bibliographic and documentary research, as well as interviews. The data collected, along with the information obtained through interviews. Digital interactivity and brand management are connected through the actions performed by the hotel and the employees feel inserted and relevant to the processes of the organization, one of the principles of endobranding, demonstrating awareness of its role for brand management and building brand equity.


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Author Biographies

Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro, Universidade Feevale

Doctor in Social Communication; professor and vice-coordinator of the Masters in Creative Industry of Feevale University / RS.

Adriana Stürmer, Universidade Feevale

Doctor in Communication from the Federal University of Santa Maria and master in Communication from the same university. Professor and coordinator of the courses of Public Relations and Journalism at Feevale University.

Débora Wissmann, Universidade Feevale

Master's degree in Creative Industry and graduated in Advertising and Propaganda from Feevale University. Scholarship holder of scientific improvement of the Laboratory of Creativity of the University Feevale.

Heitor Moschen Pedroso, Universidade Feevale

  Graduated in Public Relations from Feevale University.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA PINHEIRO, Cristiano Max; STÜRMER, Adriana; WISSMANN, Débora; PEDROSO, Heitor Moschen. Digital Interactivity, Brand Management And Reputation Construction. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 6, p. 197–231, 2019. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2019v5n6p197. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.