CINEMA AND FOLKCOMMUNICATIONS: an analysis based on the movie "Coco"




Cinema and folkcommunications, Heritage, Popular Culture


The present article reflects from the perspective of the folkcomunicación around the appropriation of the Mexican popular culture on the part of the cinematographic industry of Hollywood through the awarded film Cóco. From a qualitative characterization and an analysis based on the theory folkcomunicación is proposed as a hypothesis that the film appropriates a cultural heritage present in Mexico as it is the Day of the Dead. However, the festivity associated with the deceased forms part of a cultural base that is present throughout Latin America and in different cultures of the world in the face of the transverse expression of death.


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Author Biographies

Cristian Yáñez Aguilar, Universidad Austral de Chile

Doutor En Ciencias Humanas. Académico en el Instituto de Comunicación Social, Universidad Austral de Chile. Correo electrónico:

Arturo Figueroa Gunther, Universidad Austral de Chile

Investigador del área Audiovisual en el Instituto de Comunicación Social de la UACh. Director Escuela de Periodismo, Universidad Austral de Chile. Correo electrónico:


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MEINEL, D. Pixar’s America: The Re-Animation of American Myths and Symbols. Springer International Publishing Motion Pictures And Youth: The Payne Fund Studies. 1933. Macmillan, 2016.

YÁÑEZ AGUILAR, Cristian. Folkcomunicación y performance: dos aproximaciones convergentes para el análisis de manifestaciones culturales. En: YÁÑEZ AGUILAR, ET. AL. Folkcomunicación en América Latina: Diálogos entre Chile y Brasil. Temuco: Universidad de La Frontera, 2016.

YÁÑEZ AGUILAR, Cristian. Canto, memoria y fiesta en Chiloé Insular: Gozos y cantos religiosos en las Islas de Quehui y Chelin. (Libro más Disco Compacto). Valdivia: Ediciones TextoContexo, 2017.



How to Cite

AGUILAR, Cristian Yáñez; GUNTHER, Arturo Figueroa. CINEMA AND FOLKCOMMUNICATIONS: an analysis based on the movie "Coco". Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 5, p. 331–347, 2018. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2018v4n5p331. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.



Dossiê Temático II / Thematic dossier II / Dossier temático II