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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text must have a minimum length of 4 pages and a maximum length of 20 pages in APA.
  • The submssion files can be sent in the formats .DOC, .ODT or .TEX
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor"
  • The paper should follow APA rules described on: Model in .doc and .docx or Model in .tex.

Author Guidelines

General instructions for publication

The magazine "Espaço e tempo midiáticos" published by the Interdisciplinary Media and Threatened Territorialities Research Group, Interdisciplinary at UFT, is intended for the publication of unpublished and original works with a preferentially interdisciplinary approach, resulting from research and theoretically reflected studies. Works include articles resulting from theoretical or empirical research, translations of articles or international interviews, essays, reviews, interviews with authors or researchers of significant relevance.

Articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish will be accepted in order to disseminate research originating in other countries and also to contribute to the internationalization of Brazilian academic production.
Papers presented at scientific events, whose abstract and / or full version have been published in annals, may be submitted to the Revista Espaço e Tempo Midiáticos, and the Editorial Board is responsible for deciding to publish them, provided that the authors inform them in specific footnote the name of the event, date and place where it was presented. It is recommended that the version to be published in the journal aggregates the advances obtained with the discussion of the work at the scientific event in which it was presented.
The works must follow the following rules:

1. Article: must be original, academic or scientific technician that disseminates results of scientific research, of an empirical, experimental or conceptual nature (minimum of 4 and maximum of 20 pages, including titles, abstracts, tables, figures, maps and references) .
2. Review: systematic critical evaluation of the literature on a given subject; the purpose of the review should be mentioned, the literature search criteria and the universe researched should be specified in methods, discuss the results obtained and suggest studies to fill gaps in current knowledge (minimum 4 and maximum 20 pages, including titles, abstracts, tables, figures, maps and references).

3. Essays: detailed reflection, with wording appropriate to the scope of a scientific publication with greater freedom on the part of the author to defend a certain position, that aims to deepen the discussion or that presents a new contribution / approach regarding a relevant topic (minimum of 4 and maximum of 20 pages, including titles, abstracts, tables, figures, maps and references).
The publication of an article implies the complete assignment of copyrights to Revista Espaço e Tempo Midiáticos, for printed and electronic dissemination - internet. The magazine Espaço e Tempo Midiáticos publishes original articles, referring to the interdisciplinary area, considering the editorial line of the Magazine, treatment given to the theme, consistency and rigor and exclusive to the magazine.

Articles can be produced by doctors, doctoral students, masters, master's students, in addition to graduates (provided that at least one author has a Ph.D or master's degree); reviews can be produced by students of stricto sensu graduate programs (academic or professional master's and doctorate).
Papers should be sent to the President of the Editorial Committee, via the Electronic Magazine Editing System (SEER), who will submit them to the Editorial Board, to verify the adequacy of the journal's editorial policy and compliance with normative requirements.

The articles will be sent, without identification, to at least two external reviewers. In the event of an evaluation discrepancy, a third referee will be sent. The name of the evaluators will be kept confidential.

The journal, through the editor, will notify the main author if the article has been approved for publication or rejected. The notification will be accompanied by a copy of the content of the opinions, without the identification of the evaluators.
A model with submission rules can be found on the following link: 
The APA rules also can be find on the APA's website:




Artigo: deve ser original, acadêmico ou técnico científico que divulguem resultados de pesquisa científica, de natureza empírica, experimental ou conceitual (mínimo de 12 e o máximo de 20 páginas, incluindo títulos, resumos, tabelas, figuras, mapas e referências).


Revisão: avaliação crítica sistematizada da literatura sobre determinado assunto; deve-se citar o objetivo da revisão, especificar em métodos os critérios de busca da literatura e o universo pesquisado, discutir os resultados obtidos e sugerir estudos no sentido de preencher lacunas do conhecimento atual (mínimo de 12 e o máximo de 20 páginas, incluindo títulos, resumos, tabelas, figuras, mapas e referências).


Ensaios: reflexão circunstanciada, com redação adequada ao escopo de uma publicação científica com maior liberdade por parte do autor para defender determinada posição, que vise aprofundar a discussão ou que apresente nova contribuição/abordagem a respeito de tema relevante (mínimo de 12 e máximo de 20 páginas, incluindo títulos, resumos, tabelas, figuras, mapas e referências).


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