Clínica Psicodinámica del Trabajo con Gestores de una Unidad de Taquigrafía Parlamentaria
It performed the clinical work with managers in the field of shorthand, a public organization, the approach of psychodynamic work. We analyzed the organization of work, the subjective mobilization, the suffering, the defenses and the conditions. Nine group sessions were conducted with eight managers, recorded and submitted to psychodynamic analysis. It was concluded that managers are subject to a labor organization focused on productivity and excellence of service delivery. There is no room for subversion of the prescribed work and flexibility in the way of doing things. There is room for negotiation to solve the problems arising from real work, allowing the manager to put creativity and subjectivity to handle the requirements. The ability to meet the constraints of the work gives way to experiences of pleasure, which is intensified by the recognition in the workplace. Advances the field of clinical work and opens perspectives for future studies.
Keywords: Psychodynamics of Work; Manager; Shorthand; Management Excellence.
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