This article presents a proposal for understanding and intervention of emerging psychobiological problems in large companies and in public health institutions, based on a psychodynamic approach to work based on an epistemology of complex systems of Piaget. In order to achieve this task, two cases of companies that lived an intervention are exposed, based on the model proposed by the author, highlighting the importance of recognizing both the structural aspects of a given labor reality and the subjective processes of workers, Managers and clients that make part of a particular organization. Specifically, and in epistemological terms, the model realizes: processes of validation and demonstration of the problems in tension, from a positivist methodological conception; Studies the relationship subjectivity / activity / company, which allows to study and intervene not only smaller contexts but also large companies; Develops an operational paradigm called concentric bells, which integrates the different ways of analyzing the problem in a synthetic way. In this way, a valuable contribution is made to the field of psychodynamic of work, seeking to generate criticism, new approaches and solutions to the problems that this field intervenes.
Key words: Psychodynamic of work; subjectivity; epistemology of complex systems; company.
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