Capturas y Resistencias a la Tercerización: un estudio con los trabajadores de una universidad pública
This article presents results of one research made with outsourced workers with general services functions of one Brazilian public university. The main objective of the study was to analyse the risks of pathogenic suffering in the work of these people. The Psychodynamics of Work was the theoretical reference used and the chosen methodology was based in the Inventory of Risks of Pathogenic Suffering at Work (IRST, in Portuguese), applied on a sample of 139 people in the university. The used instrument analyses three specifc factors of wok situations: utility, indignity and recognition. The results of this research reveals, mainly, that these workers show feelings of indignity related to their laboral reality, and that they would like to feel more recognized for your activities. The factors that generate more risks to the health of the participants are linked to the physical conditions of work and the situations of moral harassment. The Psychodynamics considers the outsourcing process as a device that results in the fragmentation of the collectives of work, fact that can weaken the workers identity construction and generate illnesses, what is confirmed by the results obtained in this research. It is concluded that the outsourcing process produces strong risks for the workers health and, because of it, academic productions about this subject are increasingly necessary.
KEYWORDS: Outsourcing process. Pathogenic Suffering. Psychodynamics of Work.
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