PRONATEC: EL NUEVO PROGRAMA DE EDAD? Desafíos entre calificación profesional y entrar en el mercado laboral
Palabras clave:
Pronatec, Qualificação Profissional, Marco Lógico.Resumen
ABSTRACTThis work seeks to analyze the effectiveness of the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec) observing how the qualification offered contributed to the socio-economic integration. It was used the methodology of the logical framework to understand this program. And the search field, with application form to the course participants and interviews with the management, responsible for implementing the Pronatec in a municipality in the state of Tocantins, to establish correlations and hypotheses from a case. It was found that the information to support the program does not appear in detail in official documents and websites, and that the supply of courses did not consider the characteristics of the local productive sector, reducing the possibilities of including Pronatec graduates in the labor market.
KEYWORDS: Pronatec. Professional Qualification. Logical Framework.
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