The Higher education and its demands:
consequences in graduate mental health
Higher education institutions have been increasingly concerned about students' mental health, which is important for one’s well-being and academic performance. This article discusses mental health from the standpoint of a compulsory internship programme experience in a higher education institution. We sought to understand the perception of key people in the academic community regarding: awareness and expectations of the existence of mental health problems within the institution; the probable causes of this suffering; and the main effects / consequences for those involved. Meetings were held with: the college principal, the college deputy, the coordinators of the four existing courses, as well as the college psychologist, the social worker the student board representative and those of three student academic centers. Some perceived causes of impaired mental health were: reduced contact with family members, self-exigence, oppressive teacher-student relationship and excessive study load. Some perceived consequences: naturalization of suffering, learning difficulties, anxiety and depressive disorders, use / abuse of alcohol and other licit and illicit drugs, ideation of / attempted suicide. Associated variables were also identified: difficulties in reconciling work-college, lack of leisure activities and infra-structure in the city / college, financial difficulties, uncertainties about the labor market and historical and political context.
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