Towards a model comprehensive of the conditions related occupational psychological well-being
The objective of this study is to analyze the conditions linked with work psychological welfare of resident workers in dependency of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires and the greater Buenos Aires. Took a first subsample not simple accidental probabilistic 150 subjects of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires (45%) and the greater Buenos Aires (55%). 46% is male and 54% female, with an average age of 32.25 (DT = 10. 254; Median = 31 years; Max. = 66 years, min. = 18 years).In terms of the level of education, 27% had an up to full tertiary level, the rest were University. Were administered the questionnaire of occupational well-being (Blanch et al., 2010); Scale of conditions of work (Blanch, 2005, adaptation of Ferrari, 2005-2007); Socio-labour climate scale (Blanch, 2005, adaptation Ferrari, 2005-2007). In addition, social variables are relieved. Found a significant direct relationship between the social climate and some dimensions of psychological well-being labour. Also, found significant direct relations between the conditions of work and this construct. This means a first step in the construction of an explanatory model of occupational psychological well-being in the study population.
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