A risk analysis of the intervention teams regarding violence at work:





Here are displayed the intervention models developed by an Argentine work team around the problem of labor violence in organizations. The strategies developed in three demand modes are analyzed: the drivers of the organization; that of union representatives; that of health care professionals, taking into account their scope and limitations. The type of obstacles common to the described intervention strategies is formalized, which we have identified and denominated: the neutralization of the antecedents and the causes; the neutralization of immediate and immediate consequences; and the psychologization of violence. A set of behaviors reflexively identified in the intervention teams is then defined as oriented to regulate the emotional flows and libidinal links that are generated in the action processes and which are called mimesis, hyper-representatively and imaginary cancellation. In the closing, the dynamics that can revert some of these processes and the reason why they are located as risks are analyzed.

Author Biography

Liliana Ferrari, Universidad de Buenos Aires e CONICET

Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo en el Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración en la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche. Profesora e investigadora en el área de Psicología Social del Trabajo y de la Salud. Profesora en grado y posgrado, miembro del Comité de la Carrera de Especialización en UBA. Directora de Investigaciones Nacionales e Internacionales (CONICET)



How to Cite

Ferrari, L. (2019). A risk analysis of the intervention teams regarding violence at work:. Trabalho (En)Cena, 4(Especial), 77–88. https://doi.org/10.20873/2526-1487V4NEspecialP77