Moral harassment as a strategy model in public service




This article aimed to unveil the new management mechanisms of the contemporary public administration, the use of mobbing as a management tool. Changes in scene are based on excellence and productivity, engage all employees to the values and interests of the institution by the rules, goals, control systems and evaluations of processes. The qualitative study, was based on the statements of five workers who had clearance stories at work caused by mental and behavioral disorders and two interviews with managers of an public institution. As an ethical procedure, it was introduced the Informed Consent/TCLE, and the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University. The interviews were analyzed based on thematic analysis. In conclusion, the new management tools impose a symbolic, diffuse and gradual violence, and voluntarily submitt the workers to a new management order through mechanisms of control and coercion characterizing moral harassment.

Author Biography

Vanderleia Dal Castel Schlindwein, Universidade Federal de Rondonia

Docente do Departamento de Psicologia (DEPSI) da Universidade Federal de Rondônia, e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia (MAPSI) da Universidade Federal de Rondônia, coordenadora do Centro de Estudo e Pesquisas em Saúde Mental e Trabalho na Amazônia/CEPEST/Rondônia. Endereço: Av. Rio Madeira, 5780, Casa D15 – Condomínio Nova Alphaville, Bairro Nova Esperança - CEP: 76850 -150 - Porto Velho - RO.



How to Cite

Schlindwein, V. D. C. (2019). Moral harassment as a strategy model in public service. Trabalho (En)Cena, 4(1), 221–237.



Artigo de Pesquisa