
  • Julián Mora Aliseda Universidad de Extremadura
  • Jacinto Garrido Velarde Universidad de Extremadura
  • Consuelo Mora Aliseda Fundicotex




Ordenación Territorial, Planificación Estratégica, Recursos Hídricos, Cooperación Transfronteriza


There are numerous precedents for the application of strategic planning and integrated planning systems to different areas of natural resource management. The clearest and most obvious antecedent is the European Territorial Strategy, consisting of an ambitious project and effort to homogenize terminology and a technical convention on territorial and urban planning, in which all the countries of the European Union have been involved. The model of the European Territorial Strategy is undoubtedly a very valid model, both as a methodology of work and as a system of consultation between the research class and the political class of the countries involved. With regard to the strategic planning of water resources and water management, evidently existing experiences are scarce. It must be borne in mind that to date the management of water resources and watersheds has had a very sectoral nature and has been very restricted to the scope of action of the respective government institutions responsible for the management, that is, the Hydrographic Confederations in the Spanish case and the National Water Institute (NWI) in the Portuguese case. For this reason, this study analyzes the European Territorial Strategy as a starting point to establish cross-border cooperation between Spanish and Portuguese in the management of water resources, establishing after this analysis the methodological proposals to be followed to address and specify such transnational border cooperation, in favor of the management of the water resources of the Iberian Peninsula.


Author Biographies

Julián Mora Aliseda, Universidad de Extremadura

Prof. Catedrático de la Universidad de Extremadura. Doctorado en Ordenación del Territorio y Doctorado en Sociología

Jacinto Garrido Velarde, Universidad de Extremadura

Prof. Ayudante de la Univ. de Extremadura. Doctorado en Ingeniería. Másteres en SIG y Urbanismo

Consuelo Mora Aliseda, Fundicotex

Fundicotex. Doctorada Geografía y Master en Antropología. Diplomada en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Local. 


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How to Cite

Aliseda, J. M., Velarde, J. G., & Aliseda, C. M. (2018). GOBERNANZA DE LOS RECURSOS HIDRICOS TRANSFRONTERIZOS: UNA PROPUESTA. Vertentes Do Direito, 5(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359-0106.2018.v5n2.p1-15



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