The resignification of democracy in the light of Nancy Fraser: a new path towards neoliberal rationality
Democracia, Nancy Fraser, Racionalidade neoliberalAbstract
The present study proposes the reframing of democracy in abnormal times in the face of neoliberal rationality. Its theoretical contribution is Nancy Fraser and it uses the research technique of indirect documentation of bibliographical research. To this end, it is structured as a research question: does the redefinition of democracy thought through Fraser's theoretical construction have the potential to destabilize the logic of neoliberal rationality and does it have the potential to reveal answers in the face of the new subjectivities established by neoliberal rationality? and hypothesis, the redefinition of democracy thought through Fraser's theoretical construction is powerful in destabilizing the logic of neoliberal rationality and in revealing responses to the new subjectivities established by neoliberal rationality. Thus, initially, the abnormal times in Fraser are presented and how the theory of justice is questioned and needs to be rethought and reformulated to face the challenges present in the logic of neoliberal capitalism. Therefore, there is a reflection on the process and consequences that the homogeneity formula provides to the subjects. Finally, the need to (re)think the conception of current democracy in the face of neoliberal rationality is exposed and, in this way, it is proposed to re-signify it through Fraser's participatory apparatus, as it is understood that such theoretical construction can be a powerful tool – by providing answers to new questions that are opposed in the current scenario – to reactivate emancipatory conceptions in the face of new subjectivities arising from neoliberal logic.
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