



Neurodireitos, Bigtechs, Era Informacional


Social networks currently have a high number of users. However, the long-term effects of excessive use of such networks are still unknown. Neurorights aims to protect the brain from advances in new technologies. In view of its distortion by social media, the objective of this article is to investigate how freedom of thought is harmed by Big Techs from the moment there is a violation of the cognitive aspect of the network user, with their information bubbles and business model harmful to your neurorights. Furthermore, the lack of regulation of such social media increases the problem. Using the hypothetical-deductive method, it was concluded that, to solve the problem, greater intersectoral debate is necessary to generate more awareness among individuals.


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How to Cite

Bonaparte Pedrosa, C. (2024). ENTRE A DINÂMICA DAS BIG TECHS E A VIOLAÇÃO DE NEURODIREITOS NA ERA INFORMACIONAL. Vertentes Do Direito, 11(1), 571–585. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359-0106.2024.v11n1.p571-585