
  • Regina Moreira de Sousa UFT, TRT10
  • Regina Moreira de Sousa Tribunal Regional do Trabalho 10ª região






The present work analysis above the dispute of the urban space in Palmas in the Projects of Complementary Law n 06 and 07, as well as the Substitutive Amendment 001/2012 that argues about the alterations in the Master Plan of the city. The discussion pervades the principal happenings that permeated the debate, like the contrary manifestations to the urban expansion and the proposition of two public civil actions and one direct action of unconstitutionality. The general objective of this work is to discuss the legislative deliberation of the City Council of Palmas on the suggested alterations to the Master Plan in the years of 2011 and 2012. Therefore, it was taken the objective to analyze the urban legislation in force, in the three spheres of government; value the progress of the legislative process in the City Council in the years of 2011 and 2012; analyze and interpret the Complementary Law Projects about urbanism starting from the year of 2011 and; analyze and interpret the Judicial Process resulted from the discussion of urban expansion in the city. The study of the subject will contribute to the comprehension of how the patrimonialistculture influenced and has been influencing the urban planning, urban management, the elaboration of the urban legislation and, above all, the way the city of Palmas/TO is occupied. So much so that it was possible to infer that the urban question of Palmas has nothing to do with the lack of space, but who can be the owner of certain spaces. However, the stubbornness of the local public power to practice and encourage real estate speculation is seen, at least temporarily barred the face of pressure from social groups opposed to urban expansion Palmas/TO. 

Author Biography

Regina Moreira de Sousa, UFT, TRT10

Av. Alagoas, n. 2376, entre as ruas 8 e 9, Gurupi/TO, CEP 77410-070


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How to Cite

de Sousa, R. M., & de Sousa, R. M. (2015). A EXPANSÃO URBANA DO PLANO DIRETOR DE PALMAS: UMA ANÁLISE JURÍDICA ACERCA DA DISPUTA DO ESPAÇO URBANO EM PALMAS/TO. Vertentes Do Direito, 2(2), 40–66. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359-0106.2015.v2n2.p40-66



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