Assessment quality of lumber in the Mato-grossense Amazon rainforest


  • Nathália Toldo Rissi
  • Rafael Rodolfo de Melo UFERSA
  • Allyson Rocha Alves
  • Felipe Gomes Batista
  • Maila Janaína Coelho de Souza
  • Lucélio Mendes Ferreira



The beginning of the logging process in the Mato-grossense Amazon was due to the policies of national integration. At that time, due to a high availability of raw material, there was no concern about the quality in the final product. With the passing of the years, the main sectors that depend on this production have become increasingly demanding in relation to the quality of the wood produced in the Region. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of sawn wood in the Mato-grossense Amazon region. The study was carried in 37 sawmills in the Northern region of Mato Grosso, including the cities of Sinop, Sorriso, Feliz Natal, Aripuanã, Juara, Tabaporã and União do Sul. The standardization of the sawed pieces with the dimensions established by the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) was evaluated; and verified if the main species sawed in the region are identified correctly, through comparisons among samples sold with data from accredited stores. Qualea paraensis was analyzed which species occurs most widely in sawmills of the region. The most produced pieces were rafters, beams and boards. Of these, the boards were the products in which the sawmills most followed the standards with the recommended dimensions. Of the main species traded in the region, it was verified that at least 30% of these species are identified/marketed under the wrong nomenclature.



How to Cite

Rissi, N. T., Melo, R. R. de, Alves, A. R., Batista, F. G., Souza, M. J. C. de, & Ferreira, L. M. (2021). Assessment quality of lumber in the Mato-grossense Amazon rainforest. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 7(4), 20–29.




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