Profile of students of the course of the course of the federal university of tocantins after the validity of law nº 12.711 / 2012: a presence of the black university


  • Aline da Silva Sousa UFT
  • Ana Lúcia Pereira



The research, of an empirical and theoretical nature, investigates the profile of the people who enjoy affirmative actions in the Law Course of the Federal University of Tocantins, with a specific clipping about the presence of the black university in the admission classes in 2013.1; 2013.2; 2014.1 and 2014.2. The research object is to investigate affirmative action policy in the field of Higher Education and opts for the inductive method when analyzing the condition of the black academics of the course of Law and to evaluate, in the scope of the institution, the degree of effectiveness assumed by the law nº 12,711 / 12, known as the Quota Law. The survey of the black (black and brown) academic profile of the Law course is made with emphasis on the categories of sex, ethnicity, income, parental schooling, expectations regarding the law course and analysis of the coefficient of income, confirm the under segregation is made from people's skin color, allowing the lightest to occupy higher positions in the social hierarchy, while the darker ones will be held in the lower positions, regardless of their condition (or of their privileges) of gender or any other.

Keywords: Affirmative action policy. Black university. Law course.


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How to Cite

da Silva Sousa, A., & Pereira, A. L. (2018). Profile of students of the course of the course of the federal university of tocantins after the validity of law nº 12.711 / 2012: a presence of the black university. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(Especial), 151–160.