On missing a river

Symbolic losses of riverine populations from Tocantins


  • Bruno Mendes de Jesus Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Marina Haizenreder Ertzogue Universidade Federal do Tocantins




In recent years, the expansion of hydroelectric projects in Brazil, especially in the Northern Region, has led to irreversible losses to the riverine populations due to the compulsory displacement, which results in the rupture of the neighborhood ties of the affected communities. The aims of the research were to record the symbolic losses and "traditional knowledge" of the riverine community from Tocantins river, near the municipality of Porto Nacional (TO), a decade after the formation of the Luis Eduardo Magalhães HPP reservoir (Lajeado), analyzing the trajectory of displacement and resettlement of some families and seeking to understand the dynamics of riverine populations with the river and what this population qualifies as symbolic losses. We used bibliographic, documentary and field research to collect data, with semi-structured interviews in Oral History. Through the data collection and analysis, it was verified that both material and symbolic losses were enough to leave the riverine communities in precarious socioeconomic conditions, since they lost means and ways of life, their neighborhood relationships and family ties, the place they lived and socially built and the cultural landscape built along the coexistence with the river. From a humanist perspective, it is understood that it is necessary to prioritize the traditional knowledge and way of life of these populations.

Keywords: memoirs, symbolic losses, hydroelectric power plant


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How to Cite

Jesus, B. M. de, & Ertzogue, M. H. (2018). On missing a river: Symbolic losses of riverine populations from Tocantins. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(Especial), 169–177. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2359-3652.2018v5nEspecialp169