
  • Fábio Pessoa Vieira



The present article seeks to present the perceptions of extractivists, from the extractive reserve of the Extremo Norte do Tocantins, and with these perceptions help other conceptions about what sustainability is. For this, it is fundamental to know and understand the relation of extractivists to their place. The methodology is guided by the phenomenological method. With this, we aim to abstain from previous knowledge about the phenomenon to be studied (sustainability), and we seek to understand the your essences from the experiences lived. Field visits and narratives were the procedures and techniques used in the research. The research directed us towards a path in which in the Extremo Norte RESEX, in a relation of human beings 'involvement with their peers and with the environment, sustainability takes place on the basis of the subjects' belonging to the place. Finally, we understand that Environmental Education can be constituted as resonances of the senses, lived experiences, and belonging present in the extractivists that inhabit RESEX Extremo Norte.

Keywords: Sustainability, Environmental Education, Extractive Reserve


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How to Cite

Vieira, F. P., & SANTOS, M. A. D. R. (2018). PERCEPTIONS ON SUSTAINABILITY IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(Especial), 103–113.