
  • Priscila Soares da Silva
  • Luciane Najar Smeha
  • Juliana Saibt Martins
  • Tatiana Silveira Michaelsen
  • Josiane Abaid



The Cerebral Palsy is a chronic encephalopathy non-evolutionary in childhood, caused by an injury developed in the pre, peri or postnatal period that affects the central nervous system. This article aimed to elaborate a psychoeducational material directed to moms who have children with Cerebral Palsy, in order to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a support system. The material development was based on a literature review concerning the topic as also a data collection gather from a expansive research, entitled "Depression and the perception of family support in the care of children in typical or special situations", thus enabling the construction of a care technology. That said, the booklet was produced in three stages: data collection, creation of the psychoeducational booklet and material validation by two judges among with five mothers of children with Cerebral Palsy, chosen by convenience. The suggestions they made were embraced and applied in the final version of the booklet. Therefore, the psychoeducational booklet was validated considering content and pertinence, being able to be used in services as a way of health promotion, containing specific and clear information, interesting families and professionals who work in this area.

Keywords: movement disorder, mothers, support system, psychoeducational booklet.


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How to Cite

Soares da Silva, P., Najar Smeha, L., Saibt Martins, J., Silveira Michaelsen, T., & Abaid, J. (2018). MOTHERHOOD AND CEREBRAL PALSY:: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL MATERIAL. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(3), 114–124.


