Identity and Youth: (re)construction and (re)significance of the quilombola identity between youth of the community Adelaide Maria Trindade Batista from Palmas-Paraná.


  • Indiamara Ferreira Pickler Unioeste
  • Sonia Maria dos Santos Marques Unioeste campus Francisco Beltrão



This work introduc the result of the Master's Degree in Education research carried out in the quilombola community of Adelaide Maria Trindade Batista, Palmas, Paraná. The general objective was to know and analyze how the process of building identities by the youth of the Community. We used as methods of data collection participatory observation, field diary and semi-structured interviews, constituting an ethnographic research. The analysis of the collected data was based on theoretical references that discuss identity and difference and their forms of representation. From the concept of youth pointed out by the community itself, we find that the individuals defined as young recognize themselves as remaining quilombola and preserve the culture of their ancestors through the Catholic religion and the transmission of memories and customs by the older members of the community. According to the narratives of older members, young people play a fundamental role in the continuity of culture and in the conquest of the territory. Youth is understood as a stage of preparation for adulthood, of social moratorium. The results indicate that the quilombola identity is closely related to the school, because it is at school that the construction of this identity is encouraged at all times.


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How to Cite

Pickler, I. F., & dos Santos Marques, S. M. (2018). Identity and Youth: (re)construction and (re)significance of the quilombola identity between youth of the community Adelaide Maria Trindade Batista from Palmas-Paraná. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 5(4), 77–95.


