From decoding to the production of sense:

the pedagogical work of of the teaching of reading in the perspective of discursive multimodality and multiliteracies


  • SILVIO PROFIRIO DA SILVA Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB



In the perspective of Linguistics of Text and Psycholinguistics, the reading acquires the category of process undoubtedly marked by the elaboration / construction of meaning. This process is caused by the combination of a large contingent of knowledge previous of the reader, as well as cognitive and metacognitive practices designed by readers, such as: anticipations, inferences, paraphrases, selections, among others  (KLEIMAN, 1989; KOCH & ELIAS, 2006). Today, the teaching of reading aims to make the formation of autonomous, competent and proficient readers. This involves a didactic work anchored in the genres of discourse. Among these, are the multimodal genres. These are the result of the interweaving of different semiotic modes. Because of this propagation of semiosis in post-contemporary society, the need arose for the effectiveness of a didactic work based on the perspective of multiliteracies. This transcends the perspective of decoding and extracting information. This work aims to reflect on the relevance of the effectiveness of a didactic work of reading teaching anchored in the perspective of multimodality discursive and multiliteracies. As a result, we analyzed six exemplars of multimodal genres (Cartoon, Memes and Comic strips), aiming to identify the multimodal marks that contribute, to the effectiveness of the process of attribution of meaning.

Author Biography

SILVIO PROFIRIO DA SILVA, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística e Ensino da Universidade Federal da Paraíba – UFPB. Possui Especialização em Ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Graduação em Licenciatura em Letras. E-mail:


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, S. P. (2017). From decoding to the production of sense:: the pedagogical work of of the teaching of reading in the perspective of discursive multimodality and multiliteracies. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 4(2), 134–149.


