ESG in public administration: a methodology proposal for measurement at the Federal University of Tocantins


  • Kaina Mosel Paixão Balestra Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Darlene Teixeira Castro State University of Tocantins



The concept of sustainability gained greater relevance mainly after the major global conventions that dealt with the subject demonstrated to the world population the need to guarantee development thinking about the future of the next generations. Following this path, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) aspects have been highlighted both in the corporate world and in public administration. Therefore, this study aims to present and apply an evaluative questionnaire with the purpose of measuring how much the higher management of a federal university is engaged in ensuring the development of social, sustainability and governance aspects with the purpose of adding value to society in which is included, ensuring sustainable development for future generations

Author Biography

Darlene Teixeira Castro, State University of Tocantins

Carried out post-doctoral studies in Social Networks at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) (2018), through the Postgraduate program in Communication and Society, PhD in Communication and Contemporary Cultures from UFBA (2012), Master's degree in Information Science from Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2005), Specialization in Methodologies and Languages in EaD (2007) from the State University of Tocantins, Specialization in Management and New Technologies from the Centro Universitário Luterano de Palmas (2004), Degree in Journalism (2008) and Literature ( 2001) by the Lutheran University Center of Palmas. Permanent professor of the PROFIAP Program: Professional Master's Degree in Public Administration on a National Network - UFT and Collaborating Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Public Policy Management at UFT. She is currently Vice Rector of the State University of Tocantins-Unitins and Assistant Editor of the Humanities and Innovation Magazine. Member of the Distance Learning Chamber of the Brazilian Association of Rectors of State and Municipal Universities (ABRUEM).



How to Cite

Mosel Paixão Balestra, K., & Teixeira Castro, D. (2023). ESG in public administration: a methodology proposal for measurement at the Federal University of Tocantins. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 10(Especial 4).