Financial education in schools in the state of Tocantins


  • Heverton Silva de Camargos Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
  • Jessica Nepomuceno Patriota Universidade Federal do Tocantins-UFT



Unemployment is a situation that is facing several families in the midst of an economic crisis. An individual with a broad set of guidelines and knowledge about the appropriate attitudes in planning and the use of financial resources, that is, the knowledge of Financial Education will have greater capacity to endure the difficulties caused by the economy variation. Therefore, the lacking of this information referring to this content can harm the population's welfare, regarding frauds, financial planning, misleading advertisements, and a false perception of the end value, among others. The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) seeking to meet this need has provided guidelines to stimulate the teaching of the themes involving Financial Education. The state and municipal schools in the State of Tocantins have been working on this theme in classrooms with didactic material available to students and teachers since 2010 and has been a reference to other educational institutions even before addressed by the BNCC. Thus, this study seeks to show the importance of financial mathematics teaching in relation to the reality and the daily life of the people, besides presenting some actions that carried out in the State, which involves this theme.



How to Cite

Silva de Camargos, H., & Nepomuceno Patriota, J. (2022). Financial education in schools in the state of Tocantins. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 9(Especial), 12–21.




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