Microalgae as a Suntainable Alternative in 3G Biofuels Production


  • Daniel Alves de Souza Panta Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Mirella Pessôa Diniz da Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Jodson da Silva Gloria
  • Glaucia Eliza Gama Vieira




Renewable energies are gaining importance, and microalgae-based biofuels are seen as an excellent alternative. These are fast growing, have high photosynthetic efficiency, and need relatively little land and water consumption, compared to biofuels from conventional terrestrial crops. Microalgae is considered a promising raw material, and several studies have been carried out, from cultivation, extraction and conversion, to the final product, aiming at better energy efficiency in the process, as well as increasing productivity. There are still challenging barriers in its implementation as a potential source in the bioenergy market. Some species of microalgae grow easily in brackish and wastewater, making it a more viable energy source. Although microalgae are the best alternative for the production of biofuels, the cost of production and their yield. are still challenging. This review assesses the different stages of biofuel generation from microalgae, and clarifies about third generation (3G) biofuels.



How to Cite

Alves de Souza Panta, D., Pessôa Diniz da Silva, M., da Silva Gloria, J., & Eliza Gama Vieira, G. (2021). Microalgae as a Suntainable Alternative in 3G Biofuels Production. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 8(3), 58–76. https://doi.org/10.20873/uftv8-11171


