Challenges for the management university in the Brazilian political context in 2018: reflections from academic managers

reflections from academic managers


  • Marcella Barbosa Miranda Teixeira CEFET/MG
  • Fernanda Tarabal Lopes Cefet/MG
  • Admardo Bonifácio Gomes Júnior Cefet/MG
  • Carolina Maria Mota Santos PUC Minas



This article intends to reflect on the challenges for university management in the Brazilian political context in 2018, based on report of the experience of two academic managers, Gaia and Maria Carmem. The theoretical background is about the public universities and its role in the society, university management and the academic managers, and the President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment and the consequences resulting from this period for the Brazilian universities. It is a qualitative research, which has as empiric study the interviews of life trajectory of the academic managers. As result, we identified that the main difficulties faced by the academic managers were budget cuts and the incisive actuation of government agencies, reducing the autonomy and the resources of university. Among the reflections that we have in this article, we highlight the concern about the future and survive of public universities in Brazil. This concern becomes more alarming when we come across in 2019 with a context even more serious in Brazil.



How to Cite

Barbosa Miranda Teixeira, M., Tarabal Lopes, F., Bonifácio Gomes Júnior, A., & Maria Mota Santos, C. (2022). Challenges for the management university in the Brazilian political context in 2018: reflections from academic managers: reflections from academic managers. DESAFIOS - Revista Interdisciplinar Da Universidade Federal Do Tocantins, 8(4), 91–103.


