Energy balance of ethanol production from sugarcane and aspects of current Brazilian production


  • Romário Victor Pacheco Antero Universidade de Brasília
  • Damiana Beatriz da Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Ailton Teixeira do Vale Universidade de Brasília



ethanol, biofuel, energetic balance, sugarcane


Interest in alternative energy sources has increased in recent times, especially those considered essential for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, biofuel production has been prominent worldwide, with ethanol being one of the main energy alternatives for the future. However, similar to what happens with every energy resource, ethanol also demands energy for its production. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the energy balance of ethanol production from sugarcane, considering the energy-consuming activities. Also presented are the main characteristics related to ethanol production, the worldwide production cycle, the main producers, data on the current Brazilian sugarcane and ethanol productivity (2017/2018 crop), world ethanol production and the main destinations of Brazilian ethanol production. To this end, different articles and scientific papers published at the national and international level on the subject under discussion were consulted, through a study design carried out through qualitative and quantitative analysis of materials obtained in a literature review.


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How to Cite

Antero, R. V. P., Silva, D. B. da, & Vale, A. T. do. (2019). Energy balance of ethanol production from sugarcane and aspects of current Brazilian production. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 7(3), 399–412.

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