Soil fauna in coffee management systems


  • Joedna Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Ivo Jucksch
  • Chrystian Iezid Maia e Almeida Feres
  • Rodrigo de Castro Tavares
  • Joedna Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Ivo Jucksch Universidade Federa de Viçosa
  • Chrystian Iezid Maia e Almeida Feres Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Rodrigo de Castro Tavares Universidade Federal do Tocantins



Diversity, pitfall, functional groups, litter


With this research it was objectified to evaluate the abundance and equity of the macro and mesofaunal of the alone front to the type of agricultural handling in areas of plantation of coffee under three types of handling: conventional system-CONV, agroecological-AGRO, agroforestry-SAF evaluated in two collection periods. For the evaluation of macro and soil mesofaunal hypogaeic were collected soil blocks of 20 x 20x 10 cm, being collected, first, the whole plant residue on the soil surface. Soil and litter were placed in Berlese funnels for seven days, and the pitfalls remained in the field for 72 hours. Measured to the abundance, richness, diversity of soil animals and functional groups. Finally, one concludes that the times of collection influence the abundance of wild life and diversity of groups; the collected groups of the faunal collected are present in all management systems with coffee, the exception of the parasitoids group; in traps pitfall total wealth groups is higher in relation to soil-litter compartments, the family Formicidae and microphage are the dominant in agroecosystems evaluated.



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How to Cite

Silva, J., Jucksch, I., Feres, C. I. M. e A., Tavares, R. de C., Silva, J., Jucksch, I., … Tavares, R. de C. (2012). Soil fauna in coffee management systems. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 3(2), 59–71.

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