Analysis of coumarin derivatives of citrus using high resolution gas chromatography with detection systems flame ionization mass spectrometry


  • Paulo César Cavalcante Vila Nova
  • Janete Harumi Yariwake Vilegas
  • Fernando Mauro Lanças
  • Eduardo José de Arruda
  • Lincoln Carlos Silva de Oliveira
  • Paulo César Cavalcante Vila Nova Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Janete Harumi Yariwake Vilegas Universidade de São Paulo
  • Fernando Mauro Lanças Universidade de São Paulo
  • Eduardo José de Arruda Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia/Quimica
  • Lincoln Carlos Silva de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul



Coumarins, Citrus derivatives, HRGC-MSD


Citric plants, specially orange, are of great importance in Brazilian economy, mainly Southeast region. The essential oils from Citrus are one of the most important of raw material group of several industries, mainly for foods, pharmaceutical and toiletry. In foods industry, orange essential oil is utilized to enhance the juice flavor and it is exported, more specific to United States (main consumer). In this work was developed an analytical methodology for identification and quantification of coumarins in citric plants (oils, wax) using chromatographic techniques such as high resolution gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (HRGC-FID) and mass spectrometry detector (HRGC-MS). The results of HRGC-MS qualitative analyses using selective ion monitoring (SIM) indicated the presence of coumarin in the samples of essential oil and wax, and in the latter it was detected the presence of coumarin and psoralen. Quantitative analyses by external standard methods, internal standard and addition of standard showed good results, specially internal standard method which showed greater repeatebility were statistically identical (t test and ANOVA, p = 0.95).


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How to Cite

Vila Nova, P. C. C., Yariwake Vilegas, J. H., Lanças, F. M., de Arruda, E. J., Silva de Oliveira, L. C., Vila Nova, P. C. C., … de Oliveira, L. C. S. (2012). Analysis of coumarin derivatives of citrus using high resolution gas chromatography with detection systems flame ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 3(1), 25–31.

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