Evaluation of physical-chemical parameters of pineapple brandy produced and cachaça sold in Tocantins





Cachaça and sugarcane brandy are beverages sold in Brazil and obtained by the simple distillation of the fermented must of sugarcane juice. Cahcaça is typical and exclusive to Brazil, with an alcohol content between 38 and 48% v/v at 20°C. However, other plant sources can be used to produce brandy, such as fruit, which must have a high sucrose content. Thus, the present work aimed to produce pineapple brandy infused with pieces of two types of wood (oak and balsam) in order to verify its quality, in addition to analyzing the artisanal cachaças sold in the south of the state of Tocantins, regarding the parameters physical-chemical. Pineapple spirits obtained by distillation showed the values of the physical-chemical parameters within the value established by legislation, which indicates that the manufacturing process generated a product with a safe composition for consumption and that the addition of wood chips did not interfere negatively on the analyzed parameters. Regarding the commercial samples, one presented the alcohol content, aldehyde concentration, volatile acidity and methanol outside the established by law, which puts the health of the consumer at risk. Thus, it is noted the importance of inspection of beverages produced without the inspection seal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, which is necessary to make the population aware of the non-consumption of beverages without inspection.


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JBB - Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity (CeMAF / UFT)



How to Cite

Bezerra, F. A., Vasconcelos, R. de B., Cavallini, G. S., & Luis Gonçalves Dias de Souza, N. (2023). Evaluation of physical-chemical parameters of pineapple brandy produced and cachaça sold in Tocantins. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 11(1), 39–44. https://doi.org/10.20873/jbb.uft.cemaf.v11n1.bezerra