Organic vegetable cultivation: opportunities and challenges for vegetable farming in the state of the Tocantins




organic vegetable, food safety, rural extension


Organic food is understood as the entire universe of production, commercialization and consumption of products free from pesticides synthetic chemical fertilizers and transgenics, and which, within the scope of their practices and meanings, aim to respect the environment and maintain the quality of the food. Although these foods are in accordance with a sustainable production system added to the agroecological perspective, the impact of both opportunities and challenges, this type of production echoes in the most different cultural, economic and technological levels of society, involving a series of factors that must be taken into account. Through a documentary analysis through articles, interviews, journalistic articles and other types of information, we list the main challenges and opportunities for vegetable producers in the state of  the Tocantins. As timely results, market retraction was glimpsed due to the low supply of these products and the need for environmental awareness linked to the search for a healthier lifestyle. In terms of challenges, the complex market scenario and the need to disseminate production techniques accompanied by specialized technical assistance stand out in particular. Finally, it is observed that in the state of Tocantins the relative production of organic products is still very small, but in the process of expansion. In the case of vegetable production, vegetable growers have a long path of opportunities and challenges to go through, for this it is necessary to support, encourage and integrate different spheres of society with governmental incentives, the performance of educational institutions and extension, commercial conjecture and change of society's attitude towards the preference for healthier products.


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Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity (CeMAF / UFT)



How to Cite

Ribeiro, M. F., Neves, A. P. N. das, Teles, S. P., Oliveira, L. B. de, Momenté, V. G., & Nascimento, I. R. do. (2022). Organic vegetable cultivation: opportunities and challenges for vegetable farming in the state of the Tocantins. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 10(3), 243–249.

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