Agronomic evaluation and quality flour among cassava cultivars under field conditions




Manihot esculenta Crantz, tuberous roots, variety competition, recôncavo baiano


Brazil stands out among the five largest cassava producers in the world, however the productivity is quite varied in the national territory, being associated, among other factors, the use of varieties unsuitable for the region, in this sense, the objective was to select cassava cultivars under the conditions of the Recôncavo Bahian, at harvest time with 12 months The work was conducted in Recôncavo da Bahia using 15 cultivars distributed in Randomized Blocks with three replications, evaluating seven agronomic characteristics and quality of flour. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and multivariate. Through the analysis of variance, variation was observed for all characteristics evaluated, except for the root length. Yields above 35,00 t. ha-1 were recorded for all cultivars with emphasis on the cultivar Irará, which reached a yield of 47,00 t. ha-1, this cultivar also stood out in the multivariate analysis composing an isolated group and lower results were recorded in BRS Tianguá cultivars and BRS Jarina, who had formed the third group with below average results for agronomic and flour quality characteristics. Positive correlations of high magnitude were recorded between the characteristics of flour quality with emphasis on the cultivars BRS Amansa burro and 9783/13. The cultivars Irará, BRS Amansa burro and 9783/13 stood out for the conditions of this study, and can be used by cassava producers in the Recôncavo da Bahia.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, Z. S., Lima, L. K. S., Borges, C. V., Rocha, A. de J., & Gonçalves, Z. S. (2021). Agronomic evaluation and quality flour among cassava cultivars under field conditions. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 9(2), 192–200.