
Open Science


Agora também queremos incentivar os autores a fornecerem os dados de suas pesquisas para assim atender aos Dados Abertos (Open Data), e permitir que qualquer pessoa possa verificar os resultados, reproduzi-los, compartilhá-los e ainda fazer novas análises levando a talvez novas descobertas. Nesse sentido, incentivamos que os autores nos enviem seus dados de pesquisa. Esses dados serão disponibilizados de maneira pública no repositório GitHub da AJCEAM no link:

Os autores são convidados a enviar os dados já no processo de avaliação do manuscrito, por meio do envio do arquivo .ZIP ou .RAR pelo sistema da AJCEAM, ou por meio de link para um repositório externo (github, gitlab, entre outros). Adicionalmente, os artigos com dados abertos receberão um selo para destacar a importância dessa contribuição.

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Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2024-12-02

Research Papers

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The Academic Journal on Computing, Engineering and Applied Mathematics (AJCEAM) is a biannual journal from Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Brazil, that aims to provide a communication and dissemination channel for academic work in the fields of Computer Science, Engineering and Applied Mathematics. Given the need for the dissemination of new research aimed at the branches of computer-centric science, and knowing that technologies only come with the development of solid and widely tried scientific methods, therefore, the AJCEAM fosters scientific research in Computer Science, Engineering and Applied Mathematics in its nature and its many specificities. 

Scientific research will be accepted in the following modalities: Research Article, Brief Communication, Technical Report, and Special Session. In this direction, the journal AJCEAM will accept original contributions, in a continuous flow, in the following areas of interest, categorized by major fields:

  • Computing: Computer Systems;
  • Theory of Computation; Information Systems; and Mathematics of Computation.
  • Food Engineering: Transport Phenomena and Unit Operations; Biotechnology Applied to the Food Industry; and Production Chains and Eco-development.
  • Computing, Engineering, and Mathematics Education.

Open Science

The AJCEAM team believes in good practices and ethics in knowledge production for the development and progress of science, teaching, and academic outreach. We believe that Open Science is an important catalyst for making knowledge accessible to all people, without distinction. Open Science is built on three fundamental pillars: Open Access (to publications), Open Data (including raw data, models, specifications, and documentation), and Open Computational Processes (such as software and algorithms). Since the creation of AJCEAM, we have worked on the first pillar, so that all published articles are completely open and available for download on the AJCEAM website.

Now we also want to encourage authors to provide the data from their research to meet the second pillar. The second pillar, Open Data, allows anyone to verify the results, reproduce them, share them, and even conduct new analyses, leading to perhaps new discoveries. In this sense, we encourage authors to send us their research data. This data will be made publicly available in the AJCEAM GitHub repository at the link:

Authors are invited to submit data during the manuscript evaluation process, either by sending a .ZIP or .RAR file through the AJCEAM system, or by providing a link to an external repository (github, gitlab, among others). In the latter case, in order to ensure the double-blind process, we suggest using the system to convert authors' personal (or institutional) repositories into anonymous repositories.

Additionally, articles with open data will receive a seal to highlight the importance of this contribution.

On the article's website, there will be both a link to the final version of the article in PDF format and a link to the research data. We make it clear that the submission of research data is optional for authors.

We understand that computer systems created can generate patents and products and, therefore, the third pillar of Open Science is a goal for the future of AJCEAM. More information on Open Science and Open Data can be found at the following links: