About the Journal

The Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity publishes humanities works, with focus on Education, in the form of original and unpublished articles, interviews, dossiers and book reviews.

1 - Fundamentals of education: discusses the contributions of the areas of history, philosophy, sociology and psychology for the understanding of education, from different theoretical and methodological perspectives.

2 - Teacher training: discusses the issue of initial and continuing teacher education as a continuous process of development for the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills, from different theoretical-methodological perspectives and training policies.

3 - Cultural differences, languages ​​and pedagogical practices: discusses the issue of cultural differences (race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, culture, religion, social class, age, people with disabilities, etc.), from different theoretical and methodological perspectives and pedagogical practices, which are expressed through different languages.



Articles will be published based on the journal's three thematic axes: Fundamentals of Education; Teacher training; Culture, languages and teaching practices.

The Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity accepts for publication unpublished articles by Brazilian and foreign authors in the area of human sciences, with emphasis on the three thematic axes of the journal, resulting from theoretical studies, research and experience reports. Articles must be original and unpublished.


Book Reviews:


The Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity accepts for publication Book reviews, which should have between 3 and 6 pages. Typing and formatting should follow the same orientation given for the original articles.




The Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity accepts for publication unpublished dossiers of Brazilian and foreign authors in the area of ​​human sciences, with emphasis on the three thematic axes of the journal, resulting from theoretical studies and research.

Dynamics of the dossier selection process - general terms:


  1. The Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity may open, at any time, a call for thematic dossier proposals. This call may include up to 2 (two) numbers, which will be published in a stipulated time and previously disclosed by the Editorial Board;
  2. Proposals will undergo a selection process organized and coordinated by the journal's Editorial Committee;
  3. The texts that will compose the dossiers should follow the same guidelines established for the Articles: original works in Portuguese, Spanish and English; works not yet published in Portuguese; and texts containing up to 10,000 words, including bibliography and notes;
  4. The result of the selection process will be sent by email to the respective authors;
  5. The schedule under which approved dossiers will be submitted, will be informed to the organizers along with the Letter of Acceptance of the proposal;
  6. The withdrawal by the Dossier Organizers must be informed in advance so that it does not hinder their replacement by the following dossier.



Criteria for participation as a dossier proponent:


  1. The texts that will compose the dossiers should follow the same guidelines established for the Articles: original works in Portuguese, Spanish and English; works not yet published in Portuguese; and texts containing up to 10,000 words, including bibliography and notes;
  2. The dossiers may be proposed by up to 2 (two) applicants who are linked to a graduate school in the areas of interest, as presented in the journal's focus and scope.
  3. One of the proposers must necessarily be a student with another teacher.
  4. Organizers need to be linked to Research Groups and Higher Education Institutions (national or foreign), who have recognized academic competence in the thematic area in which the dossier will be proposed;
  5. Tenderers' Lattes / CNPq resumes must be made available at the time of proposal evaluation, which can be received on a continuous basis, with the Editorial Board stating a publication date.




The interviews should be related to the following topics of the magazine: Fundamentals of education; Teacher training; Cultural differences, languages and pedagogical practices, and / or other themes that are inserted in the debates of these subjects. This modality includes productions with authors, recognized authorities in the academic field, leaders of organized movements, artists and other personalities that contribute to the debate of the lines, focusing on education.


Interviews Structure:


  1. Interviews in Portuguese, Spanish or English that follow the norms (Template) of the Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity for text formatting will be accepted for publication.
  2. There are no character limits.
  3. 3. Title and subtitle: The title and subtitle (if any), with a maximum of 15 words, in the language of the text, should appear on the interview homepage separated by a colon (:). It is mandatory that the title or subtitle contain the name of the interviewee. Below, in foreign language (Spanish or English), should also appear the title and subtitle (if any), with the same formatting.
  4. Authors: Information in the text or references that can identify the author should be deleted and sent separately via supplementary document in order of bibliographic reference, ie input last name followed by the first name, separated by commas (eg TEIXEIRA, Carlos).
  5. Abstract: the abstract, which should contain between 100 and 250 words; must be preceded by the term “abstract” and a colon (:), being required to include the interviewee’s name, title and institutional affiliation; name of interviewer (s); date (s) of interview; type of interview (face-to-face, email, videoconference or other). Keywords should appear just below the summary, preceded by the words “Keywords” and a colon (:). A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords must be presented, separated by. The interview should include two sets of abstracts and Keywords, in different languages, one of them must be in Portuguese. The sets should be separated from each other by a single paragraph and from the interview text by a paragraph with a 1.5 space.
  6. Interview content: the questions asked by the interviewer (s) should be preceded by the word “Interviewer”, except for the first question, this should include the full name of the interviewer followed by a colon (:), the other questions should only include the initials. Answers should be preceded by the word “Interviewee”, followed by a colon.
  7. References: must use the current ABNT standards.

Evaluation process by pairs

The publication of articles is subjected to the opinion of members of the Scientific Committee or Ad hoc Contributors. The selection of articles for publication takes as its basic criteria their contribution to education and the promotion of thematic diversity presented in the three approaches of the Journal, the originality of the theme or the treatment given to it, as well as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach. Any changes in structure or content suggested by the referees or the Editorial Board will only be incorporated upon the authors' agreement. If these are not accepted by the authors, the publication or not of the article is subject to a final opinion of the Editorial Board.

Actions against plagiarism

Authors must respond to the originality requirements of the article, in whole or in part, and ensure the clarification of all sources and references that make up the manuscript. Compliance with these requirements and conditions will be closely verified with the tools available from the Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity.

Ethic principles

The Brazilian Journal of Education and Diversity develops its work in accordance with ethical principles and respect for academic culture and intellectual production, maintaining a permanent dialogue with its authors, reviewers and readers in response to the need for corrections, reviews, clarifications or retractions.

The publication protects the editorial process from commercial or financial interests.

It is necessary to inform that the interviews and experiments involving human beings obeyed the ethical procedures established for scientific research. Anonymity must be guaranteed to research subjects and, if necessary, institutions, unless permitted to identify; The authorization or restriction of identification must be informed, in a note, in the body of the article. The same principle applies for the dissemination of images of people and / or institutions.

Conflict of interest

If the research or publication of the article raises questions about potential conflicts of interest, the authors should state in a final note that there is no relation to funding agencies, commercial or political institutions have been omitted. Likewise, mention should be made of the institution to which the authors may be associated or that has collaborated in the execution of the study, evidencing that there are no conflicts of interest with the result presented therein.

Actions guidelines for the Editorial Board

The decision whether or not to publish an article is based on principles of research ethics and information dissemination, respecting current legislation and good conduct in academic culture. Factors regarding political or ideological positioning, ethnic, gender or religious diversity, as well as differences in theoretical and methodological perspectives, should not influence the actions and decisions made during the editorial process. Publishers will not conduct editorial manuscripts for which a conflict of interest is established. The identities of authors and reviewers will remain confidential during the editorial process and after its completion. Editors will respond, in order to ensure the transparency of the editorial process, to questions raised by authors or reviewers on the evaluation of manuscripts.